All information about the accessibility of and parking policy in the city of Antwerp can be found on

Transport in and to Antwerp and Parking on the street | Smart ways to Antwerp.

NL | FR | DE
The Antwerp Story (first Tuesday of the month) | individual ticket
The Antwerp Story (first Tuesday of the month) | individual ticket
The Antwerp Story (first Tuesday of the month) | individual ticket
The Antwerp Story (first Tuesday of the month) | individual ticket
The Antwerp Story (first Tuesday of the month) | individual ticket
The Antwerp Story (first Tuesday of the month) | individual ticket
The Antwerp Story (first Tuesday of the month) | individual ticket

Het Steen

The Antwerp Story (first Tuesday of the month) | individual ticket

What makes Antwerp so unique? How has the city grown into the metropolis and port city it is today? How can you make the most of your visit? In room after room, you will discover everything there is to know about the history and identity of Antwerp and Het Steen by following the interactive experience route The Antwerp Story.

Available time slots

To see if the desired time slot is available, choose the number of individual tickets you want and select the date.

From 21/10/2021 10:00 pm (UTC) until 31/12/2025 10:59 pm (UTC)

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