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Travelling through time in sportswear –  primary & secondary education
Travelling through time in sportswear –  primary & secondary education
Travelling through time in sportswear –  primary & secondary education
Travelling through time in sportswear –  primary & secondary education

MoMu | Fashion Museum

Travelling through time in sportswear – primary & secondary education

Bookable as from 15-04-2024

An interactive project spanning the history of sportswear

A baseball cap, a sweatshirt, jogging bottoms or trainers: you’ve probably got at least one of these in your wardrobe at home, haven’t you? But did you know that these items of clothing were first sold as sportswear, mostly from the 20th century onwards?

In which languages is this activity/tour/event available?

Available time slots

To see if the desired time slot is available, enter the number of participants under ‘Group size (Group ticket)’, choose the guide language and select the date.

From 14/04/2021 10:00 pm (UTC) until 31/12/2024 10:59 pm (UTC)

145,00 per group
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