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Rubens House: Accessing the garden
Rubens House: Accessing the garden

Rubenshuis (The Rubens House)

Rubens House: Accessing the garden

Artist, marketer, scientist, diplomat and family man. Rubens was an extraordinary talent, but also an ordinary man. He lived and worked in Rubenshuis for much of his life. In his Italian palace on the Wapper, which he designed himself, he lived happily and voraciously. In his domain, he invited nobility, royalty and close friends to his studio and residence. He surrounded himself with a loyal entourage. From gardener and florist to kitchen maid and domestic servant. His wives and his children gave him the necessary fire of life.

Available time slots

To see if the desired time slot is available, choose the number of individual tickets you want and select the date.

From 21/04/2024 10:00 pm (UTC) until 31/12/2030 10:59 pm (UTC)


For more discounted rates and free tickets, visit the museum’s ticket shop: Rubenshuis

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