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Museum Plantin-Moretus: Permanent collection

Museum Plantin-Moretus

Museum Plantin-Moretus: Permanent collection

The Museum Plantin-Moretus is the residential house of the Plantin-Moretus family which contains the publishing house – printing press. The oldest printing presses in the world are here. They bear witness to the first industrial distribution of knowledge and image. The rich art collection is located in the historical residence, including paintings from family friend Peter Paul Rubens. The residence as well as the printing establishment is on UNESCO’s prestigious World Heritage list.

Available time slots

To see if the desired time slot is available, choose the number of individual tickets you want and select the date.

From 28/03/2021 10:00 pm (UTC) until 31/12/2030 10:59 pm (UTC)


For more discounted rates and free tickets, visit the museum’s ticket shop: Museum Plantin-Moretus

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