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Visit to the Hofkamer | guided tour
Visit to the Hofkamer | guided tour
Visit to the Hofkamer | guided tour
Visit to the Hofkamer | guided tour

The Hofkamer

Visit to the Hofkamer | guided tour

The Hofkamer – Discover a hidden heritage gem in the heart of Antwerp
In a green oasis, hidden behind the gate of the historical site Den Wolsack (meaning bag of wool), you will discover ‘The Hofkamer’. This unique building with a rich history takes you back to the 18th century and exudes the luxury and grandeur pursued by merchant Franciscus Van den Bogaert and his wife Maria Anne Roggens in 1772. They commissioned an unknown architect to create a stunning show-off and reception room that highlighted their wealth and status.

In which languages is this activity/tour/event available?
Dutch, English, French, German

Available time slots

To see if the desired time slot is available, enter the number of participants under ‘Group size (Group ticket)’, choose the guide language and select the date.

From 26/10/2021 10:00 pm (UTC) until 31/12/2030 10:59 pm (UTC)

131,00 per group

Please note that Hotel Rubens, located next to the Hofkamer, plans major renovation works from February 2025 to the end of 2026. This could potentially cause nuisance during a visit.

Attention: for this guided tour you must purchase entrance tickets separately.

First put the desired time slot for this tour in your shopping cart and then purchase your entrance tickets via the link you will find on the next page (‘cart’).

Please note: this tour starts at the following location:
Oude Beurs 27
2000 Antwerpen

If you are not able to find a suitable time slot, you prefer an alternative starting point or have any other specific requests please contact us via our contact form or by phone on +32 3 205 56 05.

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