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Green treasure (guided tour in English) | individual ticket

Rubenshuis (The Rubens House)

Green treasure (guided tour in English) | individual ticket

Join a group tour

Already planned dates: Sat 22-02-2025, Sat 22-03-2025, Sat 26-04-2025, Sat 24-05-2025, Sat 28-06-2025

No better place to contemplate Rubens’ genius and international fame than the new museum garden. He could also just be a normal person here at the same time. A father playing with his children and a bon vivant enjoying himself with his best friends.

Available time slots

To see if the desired time slot is available, choose the number of individual tickets you want and select the date.

From 15/01/2025 11:00 pm (UTC) until 31/12/2030 10:59 pm (UTC)

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